Achieve Anything

With Health Guider.

We are with you step by step all the way

Guaranteed Progress

Our world class team of doctors and guides use cutting edge
technology to ensure you consistently move towards amazing health.


We promise to develop plans customized to your needs.

Follow Ups

Our highly trained guides call you weekly to ensure progress.

Cutting Edge

Our industry leading recommendation engine makes lifestyle change fun and easy.

Habit Tracker

We ensure daily wins with the power of artifical intelligence.

Safe And Secure

Your data will only be used to help YOU! We will never share your information.

Overcome Any

Life is full of surprises. Together we will overcome anything.

Weight Loss Has

Never Been Easier.

Our team of doctors, nutritionists, behavioral scientists and personal guides use ground breaking technology to find the most effective and efficient path towards your weight loss goals.

Together We Will

Overcome Anything.

Every journey has it’s challenges. Don’t worry! Our team is always right there next to you!

Our Promise To The World.

Our Vision

To help every human being achieve their dreams.

Our Mission

We will help humanity achieve optimal health through compassionate guidance and pioneering technology.

At Health Guider we believe that every human has a dream. Everyone is striving towards something. Along their journey, they will need to be consistent while adapting to and overcoming many challenges. Health Guider harnesses the power of human kindness and technology to ensure that every dream is realized while having a beautiful experience achieving it.

What Our Happy Users Say.

Any Questions?

We Got You.

We are confident that our weight loss system is unlike any other. Curious how? Feel free to call us, email or connect with us through social media! In the mean time, here are a few of the most commonly asked questions.

Think of us like the ‘google maps’ of weight loss. After getting to know you, we build a personalized map of your weight loss journey. We give you specific goals to achieve each week that will get you to your ‘destination’. However, as you start travelling, there will be challenges, roadblocks and set back. With your weekly calls, we diagnose why these issues are occuring and make specific recommendation to adapt and overcome them. With our experience and compassion, we are committed to help you progress towards your dream as quickly as possible.

Health Guider is the most adaptable weight loss system in the world. A bold statement? Yes. But we mean it. Every single feature of our system is customized to you and continues to adapt to your needs until you reach your goal.

Absolutely. Your data will never be shared with anyone outside of Health Guider. We are fully compliant with all patient information laws (HIPPA) as well as cybersecurity protocols. In addition, you data is and will always be used to help YOU! Using state of the art machine learning and artificial intelligence, your data will only be used to develop the most excpetional journey towards your goals!

Health Guider is available to both iPhone and Android Users. Follow the links below to get started today!

We Are Simply The Best.

Health Guider

Together We Can Achieve Anything.

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